
Connect with the people who love to advertise by direct mail

Successful direct mail service providers have been using Who’s Mailing What! for more than three decades to acquire new customers.

Who’s Mailing What! now offers an instantly scalable, lead generation platform based on our database of “DM Pros” from more than 30,000 direct marketers and agencies.

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Why use the Who’s Mailing What! platform to power your business development?

Here’s what we hear from our members:

Identify large volume mailers
Find direct mail marketers in my state and nearby states
Discover people who are new to direct mail advertising
Reach people who are already sold on direct mail marketing as part of their marketing mix
We can target marketers who use postcards or marketers who use sales letters
We are looking to grow into industries outside of hearing health, specifically dental and automotive

How do you find more ideal customers?

Who’s Mailing What! is the leading directory of direct mail advertisers and what they mail. We track more than dozens of thousands marketers and capture what they mail. We update our directory daily and add hundreds of newly identified mail advertisers and campaigns each month.

Last 90 Day Hotline Up to May 8, 2024

Fresh Direct Mail Campaigns
New Marketers

Direct Mail Marketing Insights

Mail Campaign PDF Images

How do you find more ideal customers?

A quick snapshot of information we publish in our directory:


Search, view and download more than 150,000 PDF scans of what organizations are mailing. See most recent offers, headlines and controls of your prospects and their competition


Leverage our custom compiled directory of agencies and other service providers


Access more than 52,000 curated direct mail professional contacts with emails and phones. View the LinkedIn profiles and contact details of 11,000 direct mail consultants and influencers


Know which companies and organizations are mailing. Zero in on high volume advertisers or newly identified advertisers


Filter by business type and business location. Target mailers who mail postcards, letter packages, self-mailers or catalogs

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What exactly is Who’s Mailing What!?

Who’s Mailing What! is the direct mail industry’s resource to pursue new business in a focused and intentional manner. Quickly identify organizations that are buyers of direct mail services like yours. With Who’s Mailing What! you can:


Easily identify marketers of different sizes


Monitor markets and companies of interest, with real time notifications


Quickly develop a lead list to accelerate revenue generation


Have real time access to who is mailing, right now


Initiate an immediate awareness building and outreach campaign via our integration with Impactable.com


Leverage creative assets (current and recent campaigns) to inform your outreach, proposals and recommendations


Enter discussions armed with deep knowledge so you can quickly engage in consultative conversations


Review what a prospect is mailing to understand if it aligns with your capabilities

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When we schedule a demo of the platform, the next question we often get is:

“OK, I get it...you have a large number of business opportunities identified for me. What have you learned that works for Who’s Mailing What! members to break through and get noticed?”
How do I engage with these prospects?
How can I help my sales team turn these contacts into opportunities?
How do I turn this list into conversations?
Here’s how the fastest growing direct mail agencies, printers and data vendors attract new customers leveraging the exclusive Who’s Mailing What Directory of Direct Mail Advertisers.

Skip the explanation and Show me how it works

7 Tested Techniques to Sell More Direct Mail Services

In partnership with Impactable.com


Identify which mail marketers anonymously visit your website

Who’s Mailing What! integrates with the Impactable.com Account Data Platform to inform you when a mailer visits your site, allowing you to see the campaigns being sent by that site visitor. Via the Impactable Account Data Platform, the direct mail marketer decision makers are captured to power your awareness building and lead generation campaigns. These are “high intent” prospects since they have already checked out your website. Then build relationships with these hot prospects via the next technique…


Build awareness with an account based multi-channel marketing campaign

The fastest growing direct mail service providers don’t try to get every potential customer. They invest the time to narrow down their audience to the very best “Ideal Customer Profile”. Then, they relentlessly reach out with messages across numerous channels. Our integration with Impactable.com allows you to instantly send messages via LinkedIn connection requests, LinkedIn ads, digital display ads, email and even Facebook with a single click for each prospect. Interested to see how this works? Simply CLICK HERE to see how it works


Create persuasive new business pitches that blow away your competition

The most credible presentations are packed with facts...what is your prospect’s competition sending out? What formats are they using? What discounts or specials are they offering? With Who’s Mailing What! you have 150,000 direct mail examples at your fingertips, all in downloadable PDF documents.


Help your clients get better results from their campaigns

One idea: Offer an integrated multi-channel campaign. This strategy has proven over and over to boost results. For example, VeraData serves the non-profit fundraising industry with audience solutions. They have shown that donations increase by up to 18% if the mail campaign audience is “warmed up” with a Facebook campaign. Another resource, Direct Mail 2.0, partners with printers and agencies to manage cross channel campaigns. They see lifts in response rates up to 44%!


Attract and nurture your best prospects online via authoritative content

Are you ranking high on Google and Bing? Take a look at your toughest competitors with a tool like Semrush. If you’re not beating your competition when people search for information, you’re leaving money on the table. But creating authoritative original content is not easy. Fortunately Who’s Mailing What! can help. Who’s Mailing What! offers packages of co-branded, informative and search engine optimized original material for your blog. Our track record in the direct mail industry speaks for itself if you look up our traffic statistics. Let us do the same for you. Then, once you are attracting solid qualified traffic, identify and market to those prospects via Technique #1 above.


What is your niche market strategy?

Our friends at Impactable.com recommend reading “The 7 Figure Agency Roadmap” even if you are not an agency. In the advertising services space, specialists win. Offering something unique is helpful. What vertical do you have the most experience in? Who’s Mailing What! enables you to research and demonstrate expertise in more than a dozen industries. You can be an instant expert in what offers are being sent right now and which formats are working the best.


Focus on inexperienced marketers and hit them fast!

Look for marketers with successful businesses that are spending money on other channels. Find those who are early in their journey of experimenting with direct mail. Reach out to them before they get results from their current campaign. Who’s Mailing What! is updated daily with new campaigns. If you use data from Who’s Mailing What! to educate these “newbies” on improvement opportunities you have a high likelihood of displacing their current vendor (assuming that vendor made some clear missteps with the campaign).


Let our experts facilitate your lead generation activities

Build trust, add value and build awareness with your target audience via digital ads and content shares. Position your company as a top choice by sharing personalized messages, key differentiators and custom collateral prior to sales outreach.

Let us show you the power of multi-channel marketing. Provide your info below and we'll get started!

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Test our multi-channel sequence yourself

Let us show you how this works. Type in your name, email, and LinkedIn URL and experience the process first-hand!